Papers Submission Email:
Please Download Paper: English Template
Prepare your paper
Authors are invited to submit full papers, short papers in English. Any non-English Words are prohibited
in English papers. All submissions will be peer-reviewed based on originality, technical quality and
presentation. Your submission
must not have been and will not be published elsewhere or submitted to another conference before our
review notification.
Format your papers
Please prepare your paper using the 1-column format.
More information can be found on the Registration
form, where the payment for these would be made.
Submit papers
Your paper can be submitted in MS Word DOC or PDF format.
All papers will be reviewed by an international technical committee.
1. All articles contributed to ICMAME2019 must be new articles which have not been published in any
journals or publications, and the copyrights of the articles should not have been demised to any
institution, organization or
2. Several kinds of articles are to be declined by ICMAE2019: 1) Pseudo-articles which are incompetent in
reasoning and devoid of any statistics, experiments or designs; 2) Plagiarized articles; 3) Articles
translated by translation
software; 4) Articles irrelevant to the theme and scope of this conference.
3. ICMAME2019 takes a tough position to plagiarism. All articles registered will be tested for plagiarism.
Any article that fails to pass the plagiarism detection will be sent back to its writer and the writer
will be charged for an
inspection fee of RMB 500 yuan.
4. ICMAME2019 earnestly requests article-contributors to scrupulously abide by academic ethics. ICMAME2019
also objects to repeated submission of one article and withdrawal of articles without reason. Any
academic misbehavior concerning
articles contributed will be reported to the workplaces of the contributors.
5. In order to strengthen the supervision and examination of articles and to ensure the quality of
articles, the administration team of ICMAME2019 will examine each article for five to ten workdays. Please
be patient
Review Process