Advanced Science and Engineering Technology Institute

2017 The International Conference on Electrical, Electronic Engineering,

Intelligent Computing and Sensor NetworkICEEE2017

17-18, Dec. 2017; Wuhan, China

Published by EI /SCI Journals


Document type: JA

EI 期刊出版 (检索类型为JA

Submission Deadline:30.Nov.2017



n  ICEEE2017会议简要:

2017 The International Conference on Electrical, Electronic Engineering, Intelligent Computing and Sensor NetworkICEEE2017will be held on Dec.17-18 in Wuhan, China. The aim of ICEEE 2017 is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in Electrical, Electronic Engineering, Intelligent Computing and Sensor Network. It provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. All accepted papers will be submitted to EI Journals. Some excellent papers would be recommended to be published in SCI journals

2017电气、电子工程,智能计算和传感器网络国际学术会议ICEEE2017)于20171217-18在武汉举行,ICEEE2017致力于为电气,电子工程、机械电力工程、智能计算、无线传感器、网络通信、计算机等领域的专家学者提供一个学术交流和建立友谊的平台,使大家能够分享最新优秀的论文和研究成果,并共同探讨关注行业发展问题。本次会议征集的所有论文都将推荐至EI期刊刊源稳定且高质量的国际期刊出版.检索类型JA. All accepted papers will be submitted to EI Journals. 部分高质量文章直接推荐至相关SCI期刊出版.(具体期刊信息、注册费用和出版时间在您投稿后有详细的邮件信息回复您)


Advanced Science and Engineering Technology Institute (ASET) supports that such international cooperation can help countries and scholars learn from each other and promote the dissemination of scientific and engineering activities. Advanced Science and Engineering Technology Institute ( ASET) intends to achieve the mentioned objectives and get an international visibility by the organization of international conferences and by interacting with public and private organisms from all parts of the world.

ASET2011年成立多年来联合国内外高校以及多个学术期刊承办学术会议,与多个出版社旗下的EI 期刊出版已达成合作协议,成功协助上万篇学术文章出版在权威的国际EI&SCI期刊上,ASET很荣幸在次邀请您提交或者推荐相关领域论文至EI&SCI期刊出版,感谢您的支持与合作.

n  征稿领域(包括但不仅限于此)

n  Call for papers (Areas included, but not limited to

Electrical Engineering


Electronic Engineering


Computer and AI Applications in Power Industry


Control Science and Control Engineering


Distributed Generation, Fuel Cells and Renewable Energy Systems


Electric vehicle technologies


Electro technologies


High Voltage and Insulation Technology


Intelligent control systems


Power Quality and Electromagnetic Compatibility


Automation & Instrument and Meter


Signal and Communication Processing


Advanced Power Semiconductors


Analogue and Digital Signal Processing


Electrical Machinery and Electrical Apparatus


Electromagnetic compatibility


Materials for Electrotechnics


Measuring Technology and Instruments

Sensor Network Systems

Wireless and Adhoc Network

Wireless Multimedia systems

Network Security

Autonomous Systems

Distributed Computing

Virtual Communication Environments

Mobile Robotics

Methods in Cognitive Systems

Mind, Brain and Behaviour 

Machine Learning

Natural Language Interaction

Web Intelligence

Speech Technologies

Audio and Music Processing

Face and Gesture Analysis

Computer Vision

Pattern Recognition

Data-driven Social Analytics

Algorithm Design

Environment-aware Agents

Holonic Agents

Agents for Smart Environments

Middleware Agents

Embedded Agents

Mobile Agents

Adaptive and Personalized Systems


n  论文提交重要说明:

(一)    全英文稿件(翻译服务参考会议服务项目),初稿无需排版;

(二)    仅接收该领域最新成果的原创论文,拒绝低水平重复、无创新、已发表、一稿多投的论文,且重复率不超过10%

(三)    来稿要求较好的英文表达,有原理分析(方案,模型)+实验仿真(数据);摘要请控制在200字符内,参考文献需控制在15个以上,且一半应该来自于近5年内的国际出版物.

(四)    本次征集录用的文章将全部以正刊形式出版在EI或者SCI期刊上,EI检索类型JA

(五)    不同期刊审稿周期不同,审稿按照先投稿先审稿先录用先出版的原则进行出版安排;

(六)   出版时间:为本中心提交至期刊社2-9个月左右(具体出版时间由期刊社决定)


1)   邮箱投稿

2)    专业领域审稿专家初审,周期210天左右出结果,邮件反馈初审结果;

3)    根据所回复的具体期刊模板排版,提交排版后终稿和相关注册信息,等候期刊社主编复审。

4)    期刊社录用,等候出版。

5)    注册费用支付形式:初审确定注册支付定金,期刊社正式接收录用后支付余款。

6)    接收对公汇款,并提供国内正式机打普通增值税发票。

7)         截稿时间:2017年11月30

n  出版与检索

u  出版时间为本中心提交至期刊社2-9个月左右(具体出版时间由期刊社决定,不同期刊审稿周期不同,审稿按照先投稿先审稿先录用先出版的原则进行出版安排;

u  文章由期刊社提交送检,不同期刊检索进度不同(一般在出版后的2-6个月左右完成EI/SCI检索)

u  所有文章提交的期刊均为EI官方列表里的稳定期刊,在EI索引范围之内;

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²  有偿翻译支持(邮箱咨询王老师

²  文章润色服务(包括语法修改,图片编辑服务,参考文献检查,查重检测等)

²  接收对公汇款并出具发票

n  通过ASET平台提交论文优势:

1.          EI/SCI期刊源稳定,录用率高,出版周期快

2.          专业审稿团队,经验丰富。

3.          提供翻译支持

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Mr. Wang

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